What Are The Most Common HVAC Problems?

If you live in Mission Viejo, CA, you know how important it is to have a functional HVAC system. The weather can be extreme sometimes, and you need to ensure that your home is comfortable, no matter the temperature. Unfortunately, HVAC systems don’t last forever, and eventually, they will break down. At South County Air Services, we have expert technicians who are familiar with all types of HVAC systems. Contact us for HVAC service in Mission Viejo, CA, and the surrounding areas.

To assist you in troubleshooting HVAC issues, we have compiled a list of common HVAC problems that you may encounter with your system:

  1. Thermostat Issues: One of the most common issues is with the thermostat. It may not be reading the temperature correctly, or it could be having trouble switching between heating and cooling modes. It might be time for an upgrade if you have an older thermostat. Newer thermostats are much more accurate and can even be controlled remotely via your smartphone.
  2. Refrigerant Leaks: Refrigerant leaks are a prevalent issue that can prevent your system from properly heating or cooling your home. It is crucial to address this problem as soon as possible. By searching for a “heating company near me,” you can find our company’s technicians ready to repair the leak and refill your system with the correct amount of refrigerant.
  3. Dirty Air Filters: If your air filters are dirty, they can restrict the airflow in your home and cause your system to work harder than it needs to. It will lead to increased energy bills and shorten the lifespan of your HVAC system. Our professionals recommend that you check your air filters monthly and replace them as needed.
  4. Strange Noises: If you hear strange noises like banging, popping, or hissing, it’s time to call a technician. These noises can be indicative of a bigger problem with your system.
  5. Clogged Drain Lines: The drain lines in your HVAC system can become clogged over time. When this happens, water can start to back up and cause water damage. It is a serious issue that needs to be addressed right away. Our technicians will clean out the drain lines and ensure they are clear. Schedule an HVAC service in Mission Viejo, CA, and the surrounding areas.
  6. Faulty Electrical Components: HVAC systems have a lot of electrical components, and over time, these components can fail. If your system isn’t working properly or keeps tripping your breaker, it’s likely due to a faulty electrical component. Our technicians will inspect your system and replace any damaged parts.

If you’re having trouble with your HVAC system, contact South County Air Services at (949) 933-3130 today for assistance! We provide a wide range of HVAC services in Mission Viejo, CA, and would be happy to help you get your system back up and running. Also, search for a heating company near me to schedule an appointment today for all your heating needs.