An air conditioner has a lot of different modes, but what do they all do, and which one should you use? Our AC repair in Irvine, CA, can help you address that.
Most air conditioners have three operating modes: cool, dry, and fan. Some air conditioners have additional modes, including ECO, turbo, and sleep modes. While the regular modes are simple to comprehend, some unique modes could be more complicated.
Types of Different Modes in AC Remote
To gain all the benefits of any air conditioner, our AC contractors in Mission Viejo advise that you know the various options and modes available while using them; here are a few most popular modes in AC remote.
Auto Mode
By automatically regulating the fan speed, air conditioners’ auto mode is typically utilized to regulate the room temperature better. Our AC repair experts in Irvine, CA, suggest that an air conditioner that provides cooling often adjusts the fan speed automatically in an auto mode based on the desired temperature.Cool Mode
By default, an air conditioner runs at a cool setting. Depending on the chosen temperature, the air conditioner will cool the space. Typically, manual adjustment of the fan speed is required. Not only can the fan speed be changed in cool mode, but the temperature, air swing, turbo, sleep, timer, and a variety of additional settings can also be controlled.Dry Mode
The air conditioner’s main goal when in dry mode is to alter the space’s humidity. Many people have the incorrect impression that while an air conditioner is functioning in dry mode, it does not offer to cool. An air conditioner operates in dry mode exactly as in cool mode. However, the air conditioner’s main goal is dehumidifying the air rather than simply chilling the space.Fan Mode
Using the fan mode feature, you may turn off cooling and heating in an air conditioner. The air conditioner functions much like a wall fan when in fan mode. An air conditioner only uses its inside fan blower to move air when it is in fan mode. In fan mode, the outdoor fan and compressor won’t work.Sleep Mode
The majority of air conditioners have a sleep mode feature. An air conditioner will typically raise the temperature by 1°C (2°F) after 30 minutes when it is in sleep mode. Energy conservation is the goal of sleep mode. The air conditioner raises the temperature gradually so as not to disturb your sleep.Turbo Mode
Air conditioners have a quick boost feature called turbo mode. Your air conditioner will chill or heat the room to its greatest capacity for a certain period with only one click. An air conditioner will run in turbo mode with the lowest temperature and highest fan speed. After about 30 minutes, the air conditioner reset to its initial setting.Eco Mode
An energy-saving feature of air conditioners is called ECO mode. The purpose of ECO mode is to lower air conditioners’ electricity usage without significantly reducing performance. When the ECO mode is engaged, an air conditioner will use a few energy-saving techniques.South County Air Service is one of the best AC contractors in Mission Viejo that has a variety of air conditioners with features that can enhance your quality of life and effortlessly integrate them into your home, including the ability to sense the environment around you, learn your comfort preferences, and more. Call us at (949) 933-3130 to schedule an appointment.